Date: January 2020

Short description: The first PARIS REINFORCE regional EU workshop was held in Brussels on the 21st of November 2019. The purpose of the event was to initially inform stakeholders as to the capabilities of the models: what they can and cannot do. Building upon this, the event facilitated the co-creation of both the online, open-access, data-exchange platform, I2AM PARIS, and the research topics into which models will be set to address. This deliverable serves as documentation of the proceedings and reports particularly on attendance, agendas, and minutes.

Download Link: D3.3 Proceedings on the 1st Regional EU Workshop

Date: September 2019

Short description: This document presents the five modelling tools that will be used in WP5 of the PARIS REINFORCE research project. Its aim is to provide a good overview of each of the documented models for a large variety of stakeholders of climate policymaking within the European Union (EU). At the same time, it has sufficient technical detail so that experts can have an accurate overview of the provided documentation.

Download Link: D5.1 Documentation of national-regional models for Europe

Date: May 2020

Short description: WP5 focuses on the European low-carbon transformation projected to take place in the following decades. Five models are used with national or regional coverage within the EU-28 as well as some other European countries. The purpose of the first round of modelling is to provide a global context of where we are heading with current policies around the world, where we are supposed to be heading to comply with the Paris goals for temperature change, and what this means for the climate efforts required per country or region, including the EU.

Download Link: D5.2 Interlinkages of national/regional models for Europe with I2AM PARIS

Date: December 2022

Short description: We present the first batch of Paris reinforce models‘ runs for EU that has implemented the “Where are We Headed” scenario protocol which explores where the World is headed given countries’ current climate action. This modelling exercice has been supported by an ensemble of eleven modelling tools and has allowed going through stakeholders’ research questions, that have been collected at the beginning of the project.

Download Link: D5.3 Global pathways and EU response

Date: September 2019

Short description: This document presents the eight modelling tools to be used in WP7 of the PARIS REINFORCE research project. Its aim is to provide a good overview of each of the documented models for a large variety of stakeholders of climate policymaking at the global level.

Download Link: D7.1 Documentation of Global IAMs

Date: May 2020

Short description: WP7 focuses on global stocktaking of climate efforts, and six global models will be used for a series of extensive model inter-comparisons. The purpose of the first round of global modelling is to provide a global context of where we are heading with current policies and where we are supposed to be heading to comply with the Paris goals for temperature change. Therefore, the global models will be run in a coordinated way, providing the best scientific basis for a model inter-comparison exercise.

Download Link: D7.2 Interlinkages of global IAMs with the I2AM PARIS platform